preliminary designs by Philippe G Allard

Click on images to see animations

Ultralight Helicopter Carrier

Sailing Yacht

a catamaran with a double rig to carry an ultralight helicopter 

Handled Foil Sail

the system, avoiding rig and heeling, is controlled by the suspension lines through a linking sphere

Steel Cargo

Structural design and scantling of the main section according to Veritas rules

Fiberglass Sea Launch

Structural design and scantling of the main section according to Veritas and Lloyd's rules

Wooden Fishing Boat

Scantling of the complete structure according to Veritas rules

Aluminium Patrol Boat

Structural design and scantling of the main section according to Det Norsk Veritas and Lloyd's rules for high speed and light craft

Finite Element Analysis

Analysis of the web frame of a high speed boat

Wind Assisted Fishing Boat

a fishing boat re-designed with water ballasts and a junk rig to use a part of wind energy on transit 

Solar-Electric House Boat

a catamaran house boat designed for sheltered tropical waters and auto-supply of energy from the roof of electric cells 

Seaplane Float

with a developable surface designed for plywood or light alloy construction 

Rigid Inflatable Gyrocopter

a rigid inflatable boat lifted by a gyrocopter structure to fly on water surface and take profit of gyrocopter features : simplicity, short takeoff, low speed flight and small space required by a 2-blades rotor

Ultra light Homebuilt Flying boat

a 2 seat ultra light flying boat designed for homebuilders 

Professional Background

Computer Science Engineer (E.N.S.I.M.A.G., 1976)

Systems Design Engineer (2 years in aerospace and offshore industries)

                        Navy Officer (5 years on naval ships, hydrographic ships and in training centre)

                        Chief Maritime Lecturer (15 years in French Merchant Marine Academies)
                        Member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (1998)
                        Member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1999)

Design Tools

MathCad, Samcef, AutoCad, AutoShip, AutoHydro, Circe-Maat, Loyd's SSC, Airplane PDQ, RDS Pro

contact for more information : Philippe Allard

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last release : 15 November 2001